Volunteer Opportunities

The Main Street Approach relies on volunteers to see through the projects in our downtown district. If you would like to join a committee or be added to the email distribution list, please email leeds@leedsmainstreet.com


Organization Committee PurposeFunding the program, recruiting, training & rewarding volunteers, and public relations – promoting the program.

Leeds Main Street Organization Goal:  Create and establish healthy relationships with both private and public partners.

Promotion Committee Purpose:  Marketing the district’s unique characteristics to shoppers, investors & visitors, through special events, image building activities and retail events. 

Leeds Main Street Promotion Goal:  Market and promote downtown as a family friendly and inclusive environment.



Design Committee Purpose:  Enhancing the visual quality of district through education, design advice, guiding future growth, identifying incentives for projects. 

Leeds Main Street Design Goal:  Create a welcoming environment through art, color and facades improvements. 

Economic Vitality Committee Purpose:  Understanding the market, strengthening existing businesses, finding new uses for vacant or underutilized buildings & encouraging investments in the district. 

Leeds Main Street Economic Vitality Goal:  Improve vacancy rate 

Economic Vitality